Our services


trenchless technology

With decades of expertise and two world-record diameter installations, RagulaTech will help implement a trenchless practice to reduce installation costs and access challenging areas. Experience evaluating and implementing technologies such as rod-pushers, HDD, live CCTV, vacuum excavation and pipe bursting can save millions and solve problems.


emerging technology

Rely on RagulaTech for evaluating applications such as methane leak detection and broadband electromagnetic technology for NDT of cast iron pipes capable of detecting wall thinning, graphitization and cracks, while monitoring pipe condition over time.


utility operations

Operational reviews are conducted by RagulaTech to ensure cost-effective compliance and identify improvements. Our services include improved leak detection, restoration specifications, facility locating, practical implications of gas interchangeability and cross-bore management.


engineering/project mgmt

Our experience includes decades of inspection programs and constructability reviews, along with technology development, transfer and implementation. Utility operators rely on RagulaTech to impact the bottom line and improve operational efficiency.